Vscode Extensions Every PHP/Laravel/Vue.js developer should use

Vscode Extensions Every PHP/Laravel/Vue.js developer should use

A fullest of vscode extension for PHP devs to boost coding productivity.

In this tutorial I will discuss about some amazing vscode extension that really helps me to code easily, quickly & perfectly. let’s explore something exciting.

  1. Auto close tag : Automatically add HTML/XML close tag, same as Visual Studio IDE or Sublime Text.
  2. Auto rename tag : Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag.
  3. Better comments : Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more!
  4. Bracket Pair Colorizer :A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets.
  5. Code Spell Checker : Spelling checker for source code
  6. Color Highlight : Highlight web colors in your editor.
  7. Community Material Theme : The official community maintained Material Theme with ‘legacy’ color schemes you love!
  8. DotENV : Support for dotenv file syntax.
  9. GitLens — Git supercharged : Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame
  10. Highlight Matching Tag : Highlights matching closing and opening tags
  11. Laravel Blade formatter : Laravel Blade formatter for VSCode
  12. Laravel Blade Snippets : Laravel blade snippets and syntax highlight support
  13. Laravel Blade Spacer : Automatically add spaces in Laravel Blade template tags
  14. Laravel goto view : Quick jump to view
  15. Laravel snippets : Laravel snippets for Visual Studio Code.
  16. Live Server : Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
  17. Material Icon Theme : Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
  18. Path Intellisense : Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames
  19. PHP Awesome Snippets : A fullest of snippets for PHP devs to boost coding productivity.
  20. php cs fixer : PHP CS Fixer extension for VS Code, php formatter, php code beautify tool, format html
  21. PHP Debug : Debug support for PHP with Xdebug
  22. PHP DocBlocker : A simple, dependency free PHP specific DocBlocking package
  23. PHP Intelephense : PHP code intelligence for Visual Studio Code
  24. PHP Namespace Resolver : Import and expand php namespaces
  25. Project Manager : Easily switch between projects
  26. Vetur : Vue tooling for VS Code